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woman and man pregnancy ultrasound



Pregnancy begins at the moment of conception, when a male’s sperm fertilizes a female’s ovulated egg. At that moment all the DNA is present and a new, unique person with distinct characteristics begins its own growth and development process. Nourishment is the only thing it will need to grow, from the point of conception to the end of its natural life.


Within 9 days of fertilization, the embryo travels down the Fallopian tubes to the uterus, where it implants in the uterine lining. At implantation, the placenta is formed and begins to produce hCG, the hormone measured by pregnancy tests. Some women can tell that they are pregnant before taking a pregnancy test by awareness of changes in their bodies, particularly a missed menstrual period.


If you think you may be pregnant, contact PCCOB to schedule a free appointment today.

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